Agenda 5th November 2020 Meeting

Agenda November 5th 2020

Agenda, Minutes and AGAR 29.7.2020

Annual Return 2018-19 and Notice of Public Rights

Annual Return 2018-19 and Notice of Public Rights

Agenda 7th February 2019

Agenda 7th February 2019

Annual Governance and accountability Return 2017-18 (including Annual Accounts, Bank Reconciliation and Asset Register)

Accounts Supporting Statement 2017-18

Asset Register 2017-18

Bank Reconciliation 2017-18

Payments Summary 2017-18

AGAR 2017-18 (doc 7)

AGAR 2017-18 (doc 6)

AGAR 2017-18 (doc 5)

AGAR 2017-18 (doc 4)

AGAR 2017-18 (doc 3)

AGAR 2017-18 (doc 2)

AGAR 2017-18 (doc 1)

Internal Audit Report 2017-2018


Budget 2018-19

Budget 2018-19

Conclusion of Audit 2016-17

The external audit for the year has now been completed. The auditors were satisfied all requirements have been satisfactorily met. Please click on the links BELOW to download the Notice of Completion of Audit, and the external auditor’s Certificate:

Ext Audit 2016-17 Notice of Conclusion of Audit

Ext Audit 2016-17 Audit Report & Certificate

Exercise of Public Rights – Accounts 2016-17

Under Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014, and the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015, as part of the External Audit process, any person interested has the right to inspect the accounting records for the financial year to which the audit, together with all books , deeds, contracts, bills, vouchers and receipts, and other documents relating to those records or documents.

The inspection period when this can take place is set by the External Auditor – for Havenstreet and Ashey Parish Council it is 3 July to 11 August 2017. Anyone wishing to view these documents during this period should contact the Clerk, Mr Chris Binnie, 146 Marlborough Road, Ryde, PO33 1AR, Tel: 565334 to make an appointment.

Local electors and their representatives have the right to question the External Auditor about the accounts and object to the accounts or any item in them. Any objection must first be given to the External Auditor and a copy sent to the Clerk of the Parish Council.

The appointed External Auditor is BDO LLP, Arcadia House, Maritime Walk, Ocean Village, Southampton, SO14 3TL.

Please click on the link BELOW if you wish to see the formal notice, as posted on the Havenstreet notice board:

Ext Audit 2016-17 Notice of Exercise of Rights

Internal Audit 2016-17

Please click on the link BELOW to download the internal auditors report:

Int Audit Report 2016-17

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