Planned Roadworks
- At March 25, 2022
- By pcclerk
- In News and Events
The Isle of Wight Council (Carters Road, Ryde, Isle of Wight) (Temporary One-Way Restriction) Order No 1 2022
Island Roads on behalf of The Isle of Wight Council give notice that from 1800 hours from Friday 01 April until 1800 hours on Friday 22 April 2022, or when the works has been completed, a one-way restriction will be introduced in a west to east direction, along Carters Road from its junction with Upton Road to its junction with Ashey Road. These will be phased works and the alternative routes, where applicable, will be sign posted locally. The closure is required for safety during the Smallbrook Junction Improvement Scheme.
The Isle of Wight Council (Smallbrook Lane, Ryde, Isle of Wight) (Temporary One-Way Restriction) Order No 1 2022
Island Roads on behalf of The Isle of Wight Council give notice that from 1800 hours from Friday 01 April until 1800 hours on Friday 22 April 2022, or when the works has been completed, a one-way restriction will be introduced in a west to east direction, along Smallbrook Lane from its junction with Ashey Road to its junction with Great Preston Road. These will be phased works and the alternative routes, where applicable, will be sign posted locally. The closure is required for safety during the Smallbrook Junction Improvement Scheme.
The Isle of Wight Council (Ashey Road, Ryde, Isle of Wight) (Temporary Prohibition of Through Traffic) Order No 1 2022
Island Roads on behalf of The Isle of Wight Council give notice that from 1800 hours from Friday 01 April until 1800 hours on Friday 22 April 2022, or when the works has been completed, no person shall cause any vehicle to proceed along Ashey Road between its junctions with Green Lane and Smallbrook Lane. These will be phased works and the alternative routes, where applicable, will be sign posted locally. The closure is required for safety during the Smallbrook Junction Improvement Scheme.
The Isle of Wight Council (Ashey Road, Ryde, Isle of Wight) (Temporary Prohibition of Through Traffic) Order No 2 2022
Island Roads on behalf of The Isle of Wight Council give notice that from 1800 hours from Friday 01 April until 1800 hours on Friday 22 April 2022, or when the works has been completed, no person shall cause any vehicle to proceed along Ashey Road between its junctions with Smallbrook Lane and Bettesworth Road. These will be phased works and the alternative routes, where applicable, will be sign posted locally. The closure is required for safety during the Smallbrook Junction Improvement Scheme.
The Isle of Wight Council (Carters Road, Ryde, Isle of Wight) (Temporary Prohibition of Through Traffic) Order No 1 2022
Island Roads on behalf of The Isle of Wight Council give notice from 1800 hours from Friday 01 April until 1800 hours on Friday 22 April 2022, or when the works has been completed, no person shall cause any vehicle to proceed along Carters Road between its junctions with Upton Road and Smallbrook Lane. These will be phased works and the alternative routes, where applicable, will be sign posted locally. The closure is required for safety during the Smallbrook Junction Improvement Scheme.
The Isle of Wight Council (Smallbrook Lane, Ryde, Isle of Wight) (Temporary Prohibition of Through Traffic) Order No 1 2022
Island Roads on behalf of The Isle of Wight Council give notice that from 1800 hours from Friday 01 April until 1800 hours on Friday 22 April 2022, or when the works has been completed, no person shall cause any vehicle to proceed along Smallbrook Lane between its junctions with Ashey Road and Great Preston Road. These will be phased works and the alternative routes, where applicable, will be sign posted locally. The closure is required for safety during the Smallbrook Junction Improvement Scheme.
The Isle of Wight Council (Combley Road and Havenstreet Main Road, Havenstreet, Isle of Wight) (Temporary Prohibition of Through Traffic) Order No 1 2022
Island Roads on behalf of The Isle of Wight Council give notice that from for three days between 0900 and 1600 hours between Monday 28 March 2022 and Wednesday 30 March 2022, or when the works has been completed, no person shall cause any vehicle to proceed along Combley Road, between its junctions with Gravel Pitt Lane and the Sewage Works access road. The alternative route will be sign posted locally. The closure is required for safety drainage and quartering works.
The Isle of Wight Council (Green Lane, Brading, Isle of Wight) (Temporary Prohibition of Through Traffic) Order No 1 2022
Island Roads on behalf of The Isle of Wight Council give notice that for one shift between 0800 and 2300 hours between Monday 28 March 2022 until Wednesday 30 March 2022, or when the works has been completed, no person shall cause any vehicle to proceed along Green Lane, between its junctions with Ashey Road and West Lane. The alternative route will be sign posted locally. The closure is required for safety during ditching works.
The Isle of Wight Council (East Ashey Lane, Brading, Isle of Wight) (Temporary Prohibition of Through Traffic) Order No 1 2022
Island Roads on behalf of The Isle of Wight Council give notice that for one shift between 0800 and 2300 hours between Monday 28 March 2022 until Wednesday 30 March 2022, or when the works has been completed, no person shall cause any vehicle to proceed along East Ashey Lane, between its junctions with Ashey Road and West Lane. The alternative route will be sign posted locally. The closure is required for safety during ditching works.
Application No: 22/00265/HOU Parish(es): Havenstreet And Ashey Ward(s): Newchurch Havenstreet And Ashey Location: Farm House Gatehouse Farm Gatehouse Road Ryde Isle Of Wight PO33 4BJ Proposal: Proposed single/two storey extension to include balcony over single storey element
Application No: 22/00320/FUL Parish(es): Havenstreet And Ashey Ward(s): Newchurch Havenstreet And Ashey Location: Great Upton Farm Gatehouse Road Ryde Isle Of Wight PO33 4BS Proposal: Demolition of existing barn; proposed new dwelling
Application No: 22/00338/RVC Parish(es): Havenstreet And Ashey Ward(s): Newchurch Havenstreet And Ashey Location: Rowlands Farm Rowlands Lane Ryde Isle Of Wight PO33 4DE Proposal: Variation of condition no 2 on 21/00935/LBC to vary the details of the North and East doors and the West window from the approved scheme.
Application No: 22/00357/RVC Parish(es): Havenstreet And Ashey Ward(s): Newchurch Havenstreet And Ashey Location: Rowlands Farm Rowlands Lane Ryde Isle Of Wight PO33 4DE Proposal: Variation of condition no 2 on 21/00934/HOU to vary the details of the North and East doors and the West window from the approved scheme.
Application No: 22/00367/RVC Parish(es): Havenstreet And Ashey Ward(s): Newchurch Havenstreet And Ashey Location: Rowlands Farm Rowlands Lane Ryde Isle Of Wight PO33 4DE Proposal: Removal of condition 5 on 21/01134/LBC to include details of doors and windows under condition 2; Variation of conditions 2 and 4 on 21/001134/LBC to allow alterations to structural design and thermal improvements to include reinstatement of ground floor wall, changes to staircase and relocation of window on East elevation
Roadworks Planned
The Isle of Wight Council (Combley Road and Havenstreet Main Road, Havenstreet, Isle of Wight) (Temporary Prohibition of Through Traffic) Order No 1 2022
Island Roads on behalf of The Isle of Wight Council give notice that from for three days between 0900 and 1600 hours between Monday 28 March 2022 and Wednesday 30 March 2022, or when the works has been completed, no person shall cause any vehicle to proceed along Combley Road, between its junctions with Gravel Pitt Lane and the Sewage Works access road. The alternative route will be sign posted locally. The closure is required for safety drainage and quartering works.
The Isle of Wight Council (East Ashey Lane, Brading, Isle of Wight) (Temporary Prohibition of Through Traffic) Order No 1 2022
Island Roads on behalf of The Isle of Wight Council give notice that for one shift between 0800 and 2300 hours between Monday 28 March 2022 until Wednesday 30 March 2022, or when the works has been completed, no person shall cause any vehicle to proceed along East Ashey Lane, between its junctions with Ashey Road and West Lane. The alternative route will be sign posted locally. The closure is required for safety during ditching works.
Meeting on Tuesday 15 February 2022 Agenda
- At February 9, 2022
- By pcclerk
- In Agendas, News and Events
Planned Roadworks
- At January 27, 2022
- By pcclerk
- In News and Events
The Isle of Wight Council (Combley Road, Havenstreet, Isle of Wight) (Temporary Prohibition of Through Traffic) Order No 1 2022
Island Roads on behalf of The Isle of Wight Council give notice that from 0800 hours until 1600 hours for one day on Wednesday 02 February 2022, or when the works has been completed, no person shall cause any vehicle to proceed along Combley Road between its junctions with Gravel Pit Lane and Newport Bridleway 17. The alternative route will be sign posted locally. The closure is required for safety during CCTV drainage surveys.
Notice is hereby given that the Isle of Wight Council in not less than seven days from the appearance of this Notice, under Section 14 (1) (a) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, proposes to make the following Orders: –
Island Roads on behalf of the Isle of Wight Council give notice that between Friday 04 February 2022 and Friday 29 April 2022 the following roads will be closed for days, nights, or both day and night for a period of approximately one to 15 days, or when the works have been completed, to enable carriageway maintenance works to be undertaken. No vehicle or person may use or cause any animal to use the following roads; and that no vehicle is permitted to wait on the following roads or within 50 metres on any adjoining side road where indicated by traffic signs. These works may include carriageway and footway reconstruction and resurfacing works. In some cases, it may be necessary to close these sections of roads on more than one occasion within this timeframe. Exact dates, durations and access information will be communicated to affected businesses and residents via letter and on street advanced warning signs before the scheme commences. Adverse weather will have an impact on this programme:
The Isle of Wight Council (Various Streets, Isle of Wight) (Temporary Road Closure and Parking Restrictions) Order No 1 2022 –
Church Road, Havenstreet for its entire length; ; Deacons Lane, Ryde for its entire length;
Planning Decisions
21/02383/FULApplication No:
Isle Of Wight Railway Co Ltd The Railway Station Havenstreet Main
Road Havenstreet Ryde Isle Of Wight PO33 4DS
Proposed bicycle rack (6 hoops to secure 12 bicycles)Proposal:
Havenstreet And AsheyParish: Newchurch Havenstreet And
- At January 20, 2022
- By pcclerk
- In News and Events
The Isle of Wight Council (Gatehouse Road, Ryde, Isle of Wight) (Temporary Prohibition of Through Traffic) Order No 1 2022
Island Roads on behalf of The Isle of Wight Council give notice that from 0800 hours from Monday 31 January 2022 until 2200 hours on Tuesday 01 February 2022, or when the works has been completed, no person shall cause any vehicle to proceed along Gatehouse Road between its junctions with Deacons Lane and Ryde Bridleway 21. The alternative route will be sign posted locally. The closure is required for safety during utility works.
The Isle of Wight Council (Combley Road, Havenstreet, Isle of Wight) (Temporary Prohibition of Through Traffic) Order No 1 2022
Island Roads on behalf of The Isle of Wight Council give notice that from 0800 hours until 1600 hours for one day on Wednesday 02 February 2022, or when the works has been completed, no person shall cause any vehicle to proceed along Combley Road between its junctions with Gravel Pit Lane and Newport Bridleway 17. The alternative route will be sign posted locally. The closure is required for safety during CCTV drainage surveys