Internal Audit 2016-17
- At May 11, 2017
- By pcclerk
- In Audit
Please click on the link BELOW to download the internal auditors report:
External Audit 2016-17
- At April 16, 2017
- By pcclerk
- In Audit
In accordance with the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015, all Parish Councils are required to publish their Annual Governance Statement and Accounting Statement. These are Sections 1 and 2 of the Annual Return as submitted to the External Auditor. These were approved by the Parish Council at its meeting held on 13 April 2017. NOTE: THESE ARE UN-AUDITED. Confirmation of the completion of the external audit is usually received in September.
Please click on the link BELOW to download these Statements:
Ext Audit 2016-17 Annual Governance Statement
Ext Audit 2016-17 Annual Accounting Statement
Also included in the External Audit is the Section completed by the Internal Auditor, together with two annexes, the Confirmation of Bank Reconciliation, and the explanation of variations (10%) from the previous year. Please click on the link BELOW TO download these:
Audit for the year 2015-16
- At April 13, 2016
- By pcclerk
- In Audit
The audit of the year 2015/16 has now been completed.
The internal audit was completed in April, and reported to the Parish Council on 5 May 2016. Please click on the BELOW to download it:
Year end Internal Audit Report 2015-6
Sections 1 and 2 of the external audit, the Annual Governance Statement, and the Accounting Statement, that form part of the annual External Audit, were also comleted in May. Please click on the link BELOW to download these:
Annual Gov. and Accounting Statements
The external audit was completed in June, and was reported to the Parish Council on 1 September 2016. Please click on the links BELOW to download Section 3, the External Auditors Report and Certificate, and the Notice of Completion of Audit:
External Auditors Report for the year 2014-15
- At August 14, 2015
- By pcclerk
- In Audit
The external auditor (BDO LLP) has concluded the audit of the accounts of the financial year 2014-15. The auditor found no matters of concern. Please click on the links BELOW to download Sections 1, 2, and 3 of the audit report, together with the “notice of conclusion of audit.”
Internal Auditors Report 2014-15
- At April 28, 2015
- By pcclerk
- In Audit
Please click on the link BELOW to download the 2014-15 Internal Auditors Report:
Internal Audit Report 2013-14
- At February 25, 2015
- By pcclerk
- In Audit
Please click on the link BELOW to download the report: