- At February 1, 2023
- By pcclerk
- In News and Events
The Isle of Wight Council (Firestone Copse Road, Wootton, Isle of Wight) (Temporary Prohibition of Through Traffic) Order No 3 2023
Island Roads on behalf of The Isle of Wight Council give notice that for one shift between 0800 hours and 1600 hours between Monday 06 February 2023 and Wednesday 08 February 2023, or when the works has been completed, no person shall cause any vehicle to proceed along Firestone Copse Road between its junctions with Firestone Glade and Havenstreet Main Road. The alternative route will be signposted locally. The closure is required for safety during ditch and vegetation works.
The Isle of Wight Council (Rowlands Lane, Ryde, Isle of Wight) (Temporary Prohibition of Through Traffic) Order No 1 2023
Island Roads on behalf of The Isle of Wight Council give notice that for one shift between 0800 hours and 1600 hours between Tuesday 07 February 2023 and Thursday 09 February 2023, or when the works has been completed, no person shall cause any vehicle to proceed along Rowlands Lane for its entire length. The alternative route will be signposted locally. The closure is required for safety during ditch works.
Minutes 5 January 2023
- At January 30, 2023
- By pcclerk
- In Minutes, Minutes
Planning Decision
Application No: 22/02165/HOU Woodlands Havenstreet Main Road Havenstreet Ryde Isle Of Wight PO33 4DL Location: Proposed two storey front extension, first floor extension and single storey rear extension; alterations Proposal: Parish: Havenstreet And Ashey Newchurch Havenstreet And Ashey Ward: Decision: GTD
- At January 26, 2023
- By pcclerk
- In News and Events
The Isle of Wight Council (Firestone Copse Road, Wootton, Isle of Wight) (Temporary Prohibition of Through Traffic) Order No 3 2023
Island Roads on behalf of The Isle of Wight Council give notice that for one shift between 0800 hours and 1600 hours between Monday 06 February 2023 and Wednesday 08 February 2023, or when the works has been completed, no person shall cause any vehicle to proceed along Firestone Copse Road between its junctions with Firestone Glade and Havenstreet Main Road. The alternative route will be signposted locally. The closure is required for safety during ditch and vegetation works.
The Isle of Wight Council (Rowlands Lane, Ryde, Isle of Wight) (Temporary Prohibition of Through Traffic) Order No 1 2023
Island Roads on behalf of The Isle of Wight Council give notice that for one shift between 0800 hours and 1600 hours between Tuesday 07 February 2023 and Thursday 09 February 2023, or when the works has been completed, no person shall cause any vehicle to proceed along Rowlands Lane for its entire length. The alternative route will be signposted locally. The closure is required for safety during ditch works.
Application No: 22/02256/RVC Parish(es): Havenstreet And Ashey Ward(s): Newchurch Havenstreet And Ashey Location: Havenbridge Farm Rowlands Lane Ryde Isle Of Wight PO33 4EA Proposal: Removal of conditions 3 and 5 on 21/00714/FUL relating to highways matters
- At January 11, 2023
- By pcclerk
- In News and Events
The Isle of Wight Council (Firestone Copse Road, Wootton, Isle of Wight) (Temporary Prohibition of Through Traffic) Order No 1 2023
Island Roads on behalf of The Isle of Wight Council give notice that for one shift between 0800 hours and 1600 hours between Monday 23 January 2023 and Tuesday 24 January 2023, or when the works has been completed, no person shall cause any vehicle to proceed along Firestone Copse Road between its junctions with Firestone Glade and Newnham Lane. The alternative route will be signposted locally. The closure is required for safety during carriageway repair works.
Planning Application 28.11.2022
Application No: 22/02048/FUL Parish(es): Havenstreet And Ashey Ward(s): Newchurch Havenstreet And Ashey Location: Longcommon Farm Stroud Wood Road Ryde Isle Of Wight PO33 4DA Proposal: Proposed improvement of the visibility splay from the junction of the driveway of farm with Stroud Wood Road, via the relocation of existing hedgerow. Provision of wider grass verge for bus passenger use.