- At October 27, 2022
- By pcclerk
- In News and Events
The Isle of Wight Council (Smallbrook Lane, Ryde, Isle of Wight) (Temporary Prohibition of Through Traffic) Order No 3 2022
Island Roads on behalf of The Isle of Wight Council give notice that for one shift between 0930 hours and 1530 hours between Monday 31 October 2022 and Tuesday 01 November 2022, or when the works has been completed, no person shall cause any vehicle to proceed along Smallbrook Lane for its entire length. The alternative route will be signposted locally. The closure is required for safety during gully works.
The Isle of Wight Council (Ashey Road, Ryde, Isle of Wight) (Temporary Prohibition of Through Traffic) Order No 9 2022
Island Roads on behalf of The Isle of Wight Council give notice that from 0730 hours on Monday 07 November 2022 until 1800 hours on Friday 11 December 2022, or when the works has been completed, no person shall cause any vehicle to proceed along Ashey Road between its junctions with Pitt Street and Hazelwood Close. The alternative route will be signposted locally. The closure is required for safety during retaining wall works.
Planning decisions
- At October 27, 2022
- By pcclerk
- In Planning Applications
Application No: 22/00367/RVC Location: Rowlands Farm Rowlands Lane Ryde Isle Of Wight PO33 4DE Removal of condition 4 & 5 on 21/01134/LBC to include details of doors, windows & internal finish under condition 2; Variation of conditions 2 and 3 on 21/001134/LBC to allow alterations to structural design and thermal improvements to include changes to staircase and relocation of window on East elevation (revised description)(readvertised application) Proposal: GTD
No: 22/00452/RVC Location: Rowlands Farm Rowlands Lane Ryde Isle Of Wight PO33 4DE Removal of condition 5 on 21/01133/HOU to include details of doors and windows under condition 2; Variation of conditions 2 and 4 on 21/001133/HOU to allow alterations to structural design and thermal improvements to include reinstatement of ground floor wall, changes to staircase and relocation of window on East elevation Proposal: Decision: GTD
Planned Roadworks
- At October 21, 2022
- By pcclerk
- In News and Events
The Isle of Wight Council (Smallbrook Lane, Ryde, Isle of Wight) (Temporary Prohibition of Through Traffic) Order No 2 2022
Island Roads on behalf of The Isle of Wight Council give notice that for one shift between 1930 hours and 0600 hours between Friday 21 October 2022 and Thursday 27 October 2022, or when the works has been completed, no person shall cause any vehicle to proceed along Smallbrook Lane for its entire length. The alternative route will be signposted locally. The closure is required for safety during road marking works.
The Isle of Wight Council (Ashey Road, Ryde, Isle of Wight) (Temporary Prohibition of Through Traffic) Order No 8 2022
Island Roads on behalf of The Isle of Wight Council give notice that for one shift between 1930 hours and 0600 hours between Friday 21 October 2022 and Thursday 27 October 2022, or when the works has been completed, no person shall cause any vehicle to proceed along Ashey Road for its entire length. The alternative route will be signposted locally. The closure is required for safety during road marking works.
The Isle of Wight Council (Smallbrook Lane, Ryde, Isle of Wight) (Temporary Prohibition of Through Traffic) Order No 3 2022
Island Roads on behalf of The Isle of Wight Council give notice that for one shift between 0930 hours and 1530 hours between Monday 31 October 2022 and Tuesday 01 November 2022, or when the works has been completed, no person shall cause any vehicle to proceed along Smallbrook Lane for its entire length. The alternative route will be signposted locally. The closure is required for safety during gully works.
- At October 19, 2022
- By pcclerk
- In News and Events
The Isle of Wight Council (Smallbrook Lane, Ryde, Isle of Wight) (Temporary Prohibition of Through Traffic) Order No 2 2022
Island Roads on behalf of The Isle of Wight Council give notice that for one shift between 1930 hours and 0600 hours between Friday 21 October 2022 and Thursday 27 October 2022, or when the works has been completed, no person shall cause any vehicle to proceed along Smallbrook Lane for its entire length. The alternative route will be signposted locally. The closure is required for safety during road marking works.
The Isle of Wight Council (Ashey Road, Ryde, Isle of Wight) (Temporary Prohibition of Through Traffic) Order No 8 2022
Island Roads on behalf of The Isle of Wight Council give notice that for one shift between 1930 hours and 0600 hours between Friday 21 October 2022 and Thursday 27 October 2022, or when the works has been completed, no person shall cause any vehicle to proceed along Ashey Road for its entire length. The alternative route will be signposted locally. The closure is required for safety during road marking works.
Planning Decision 19.10.2022
Application No: 22/00265/HOU Farm House Gatehouse Farm Gatehouse Road Ryde Isle Of Wight PO33 4BJ Location: Proposed single/two storey extension to include balcony over single storey element Proposal: Decision: GTD
Planning Application
Application No: 22/01672/RVC Parish(es): Havenstreet And Ashey Ward(s): Newchurch Havenstreet And Ashey Location: F H Winter And Sons Ltd Havenstreet Main Road Havenstreet Ryde Isle Of Wight PO33 4DR Proposal: Variation of condition no 2 on 21/00358/FUL to allow changes to the design of the approved dwellings; parking arrangement; bin storage layout